
Why Does My Cane Corsos Stink?

Why Does My Cane Corso Stink? - Cane Corso
Written by rajiv

Cane Corso is an amazing, majestic dog breed that has been around for centuries. This ancient Italian breed originated from Roman war dogs, commonly known as the “Molossus.” The Cane Corso is beloved for its muscular build, strong bite, and deep loyalty to its owner.

However, having a Cane Corso at home can sometimes come with a challenge – a strong and unpleasant odor. Cane Corso’s stink may be caused by a variety of factors, including health issues or poor hygiene. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the smell and how to remedy the situation.

1. Skin Infections

One of the most common reasons why a Cane Corso may stink is due to skin infections. This breed is highly susceptible to various skin ailments, which can result in a foul smell. Common skin infections in Cane Corso include ringworm, hot spots, and bacterial infections.

Ringworm is a highly contagious fungal infection that can cause hair loss, red bumps or pustules, and a musty odor. Hot spots are moist, painful areas of infection that commonly occur on the face or paws, and are often accompanied by a pungent smell. Bacterial infections can also be the culprit of bad smells in Cane Corsos. Symptoms may include red, itchy, and irritated skin, as well as an offensive discharge or odor.

If you suspect that your Cane Corso has a skin infection, it is essential to take them to a veterinarian for treatment. Depending on the type of infection, your vet may prescribe medicated shampoo, antibiotics, or topical creams to help relieve the smell and discomfort. Additionally, frequent grooming and cleaning will be necessary to prevent further infections.

2. Ear Infections

Another common reason why a Cane Corso may stink is due to ear infections. Cane Corsos have large, floppy ears, which can trap moisture and bacteria, leading to infections. Symptoms of ear infections may include scratching or rubbing at the ears, head shaking, and a strong foul odor emanating from the ears.

If left untreated, ear infections can be extremely painful for Cane Corsos and can even result in hearing loss. Treatment may include antibiotic medication, ear cleaning, or surgery if the infection is severe. Regular ear cleaning is important to prevent ear infections from occurring in the first place.

3. Poor Diet

Why Does My Cane Corso Stink? - Cane Corso

A poor diet can also result in unpleasant odors in Cane Corsos. If your dog’s food contains too many fillers or artificial additives, it can lead to gastrointestinal upset, resulting in flatulence and bad breath. Additionally, a diet lacking in balanced nutrition can leave your Cane Corso malnourished, leading to poor condition and a dull coat.

The best way to prevent these issues is to ensure that your Cane Corso is properly fed. A high-quality dog food, such as one containing whole meats and vegetables, can help maintain optimal health and prevent gastrointestinal problems. Feeding them a balanced diet will not only help prevent smelly breath but also give them energy and improve their coat shine.

4. Anal Glands

Anal glands are small sacs located near a dog’s rectum, which are used to release a strong-smelling secretion as a part of their natural scent marker. Sometimes, however, these glands can become clogged or infected, leading to an unpleasant smell.

Symptoms of anal gland issues may include a strong fishy odor, licking or scratching at the rear end, and scooting their bottoms across the ground. If left untreated, it can become painful for your Cane Corso and can even lead to abscesses or ruptures.

Treatment for this issue usually involves manually expressing the glands or administering antibiotics if the glands are infected. Frequent cleanings can also help prevent clogged or infected anal glands from reoccurring.

5. Poor Hygiene

Finally, poor hygiene can also be a reason for a stinky Cane Corso. If your dog is not groomed regularly, dirt, sweat, and bacteria can collect in their fur, leading to an unpleasant odor. Additionally, if your Cane Corso is not bathed frequently enough, it can result in a greasy coat and a strong body odor.

To avoid these issues, make sure to groom your Cane Corso regularly. Brushing their coat, trimming their nails, and cleaning their teeth is essential for maintaining optimal health and hygiene. Bathing them with a high-quality dog shampoo every few months and keeping their sleeping area clean can also help keep the scent at bay.

In summary, a stinky Cane Corso can be caused by a variety of factors, including skin and ear infections, poor diet, anal glands, and poor hygiene. Ensuring that your Cane Corso is properly and regularly groomed, fed a balanced diet and taken to the vet in case an issue arises, will help maintain optimal hygiene and reduce any unwanted odors.

Frequent cleaning, exercise, and monitoring will help you enjoy all the loyal, loving, and adorable qualities that this majestic dog has to offer, without having to worry about the stink.

In addition to the previously mentioned causes, there are other factors that can also contribute to your Cane Corso’s bad odor.

6. Environmental Factors

Environmental factors can play a significant role in why your Cane Corso stinks. Moisture, humidity, and poor ventilation can lead to mold growth, which can result in a musty or unpleasant smell. Additionally, if your Cane Corso spends a lot of time outdoors or in damp areas, they may come into contact with bacteria and parasites that can cause a foul odor.

To prevent these issues, make sure that your home is well-ventilated and that your Cane Corso has access to clean and dry areas. Regularly clean any areas where your dog spends a lot of time, and avoid letting them play in areas with stagnant water or mold growth.

7. Health Issues

Apart from skin and ear infections, there are other health issues that can cause a Cane Corso to smell bad. Dental problems can cause bad breath, which can be a significant source of unpleasant odors. Additionally, digestive issues can also result in flatulence and bad breath.

To prevent dental problems, provide your Cane Corso with dental treats, or brush their teeth regularly. If your dog’s breath still smells foul, it may be time to visit a veterinarian.

Overall, it is essential to monitor your Cane Corso’s health closely to ensure that they do not have any underlying health issues that could contribute to their bad odor.

8. Genetic Predisposition

Cane Corsos are predisposed to certain health issues that can result in bad odor, such as skin and ear infections. They are also prone to obesity, which can lead to hygiene problems if their hygiene is not maintained properly.

While you cannot control your Cane Corso’s genetic makeup, you can take measures to prevent health issues from developing by giving them a healthy diet, frequent cleanings, and regular visits to the vet.

9. Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can also be a factor that can make your Cane Corso smell bad. Dogs may experience stress and anxiety in response to various environmental factors, including sudden changes in routine, isolation, or exposure to other dogs. These factors can lead to excessive sweating or licking, which can cause bad odors.

To prevent stress and anxiety from taking a toll on your Cane Corso, make sure that they feel comfortable and secure in their environment. Provide them with a consistent routine, plenty of socialization, and frequent exercise to help them release stress and anxiety.


In conclusion, a Cane Corso’s bad odor is often caused by a combination of factors, including skin and ear infections, poor hygiene, a poor diet, anal glands, genetic predispositions, environmental factors, stress, and anxiety. Paying close attention to your dog’s hygiene and grooming habits, providing a healthy diet, regular exercise, and frequent visits to the vet and groomers will go a long way in preventing your Cane Corso from smelling bad.

While occasional smells are inevitable, especially after a workout or playtime, frequent or pronounced odor can be a signal that it’s time to visit the vet, groomer, or make changes to your dog’s diet and routine. Overall, with proper care and attention, your Cane Corso can maintain optimal hygiene and health, and continue to be a loyal, loving, and delightful companion for many years to come.

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