Health Behavior

Why Does Your Cane Corso Dog Eat Sticks

Why Does Your Cane Corso Dog Eat Sticks
Written by rajiv

we’ll explore the reasons why Cane Corso dog eat sticks, the potential dangers of this habit, and how to prevent your dog from consuming sticks.? Cane Corso dogs are loyal and protective companions that make an excellent addition to any family. They are known for their courage and strength, making them great guard dogs. However, there is one habit that owners of Cane Corsos often get concerned about – their tendency to chew and even eat sticks.

If you own a Cane Corso, you might have noticed that they are always on the lookout for sticks to chew on. It might seem strange that a dog with such powerful jaws would choose to chew on something as harmless as a stick. But there are good reasons why Cane Corsos do this, and in this article, we will explore this behavior in depth.

Why do Cane Corsos Eat Sticks?

Cane Corsos are natural chewers, and they prefer something to chew on to keep their teeth and jaws healthy. While bones, toys or chew sticks are often the preferred options, sticks offer them a unique, natural and abundant source of chew material that is readily available. Here are some reasons why your Cane Corso may be eating sticks.

Natural Instincts

Cane Corsos are descended from ancient Roman war dogs and have been bred for their powerful, athletic builds and protective nature. Their hunting instincts are still intact, and this includes finding and retrieving things with their mouths. In nature, dogs need to chew things to keep their teeth clean and strong. They also need to grind their teeth to stay sharp and healthy enough to eat food. So, in order to satisfy their natural instincts, Cane Corsos are always on the lookout for things to chew on, including sticks.

Boredom or Anxiety

Just like humans, dogs tend to chew when they are bored, stressed or anxious. Cane Corsos are active dogs that thrive on human interaction and physical activity. If they don’t get enough exercise or mental stimulation, they may become restless and develop anxiety or stress. Chewing on sticks is one way for them to occupy themselves and ease their anxiety. If you notice your Cane Corso eating sticks excessively or more frequently than usual, it might be a sign of boredom or anxiety.

Dietary Deficiencies

Another reason why Cane Corsos may eat sticks is if they have a dietary deficiency. If your dog is not getting enough of certain minerals such as calcium, phosphorus or magnesium, they may try to supplement their diet by eating sticks or other non-food items. Check with your vet to ensure your dog is getting a well-balanced diet that meets their nutritional requirements.

Dental Problems

Dental problems such as cavities, gum disease, and broken or loose teeth can cause your Cane Corso to chew on sticks due to the pain or discomfort. If you notice your Cane Corso showing signs of dental issues such as bad breath, swollen or bleeding gums, or reluctance to eat, you should take him to the vet for a check-up.

Impulsive Behavior

Cane Corsos are intelligent dogs, but they are also curious and can be easily distracted by things that catch their attention. If your dog sees a stick lying around, his first instinct might be to pick it up and start chewing on it. This impulsive behavior is part of their natural instincts, and while it may seem harmless, it can lead to problems if the stick is contaminated, sharp or unwholesome.

Health Risks Associated with Eating Sticks

While chewing on sticks may seem like a harmless behavior, it can pose several health risks to your Cane Corso. Here are a few of the risks that chewing on sticks can pose to your dog.

Choking Hazard

Sticks can break into small pieces or splinters that can pose a choking hazard to your dog. These small pieces can lodge in the dog’s throat or digestive tract, leading to serious complications or even death.

Mouth and Throat Injuries

Chewing on sticks can cause mouth and throat injuries such as cuts, punctures, and abrasions. These injuries can become infected and require veterinary attention.

Internal Blockages

If your Cane Corso swallows large pieces of sticks or sticks that are too long, this can cause intestinal blockages that require emergency veterinary attention. These blockages can also lead to painful and costly surgical procedures.


Sticks that have been lying around can be contaminated with bacteria or parasites that can infect your dog. These contaminants can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal issues that can lead to dehydration and malnutrition.

Behavioral Problems

If your Cane Corso gets in the habit of chewing on sticks, it can become addicted to this behavior and may ignore other toys or healthy chews. This behavior can lead to more serious behavioral problems, such as destructiveness, aggression, and separation anxiety.

How to Stop Your Cane Corso From Eating Sticks

If you notice your Cane Corso eating sticks frequently, there are several things you can do to stop this behavior. Here are some of the most effective methods you can use to keep your dog from eating sticks.

Provide Alternatives

Cane Corsos are natural chewers, so it’s essential to provide them with safe and healthy alternatives such as bones, toys, rawhides or chew sticks. These alternatives can satisfy their chewing needs while protecting them from the health risks associated with eating sticks.

Train Your Cane Corso

Training your Cane Corso to ‘leave it’ or ‘drop it’ is essential to keep them away from unwanted objects. These commands are especially useful when you’re outside and your Cane Corso sees something they want to chew on. Consistent training can help your dog redirect its focus and avoid harmful behavior.

Supervise Your Cane Corso

Supervising your Cane Corso is crucial, especially when they are outside in the yard. Keep your dog on a leash or in a fenced area, and keep a close eye on them to ensure they don’t get hold of harmful objects such as sticks or other objects.

Consult with Your Vet

Why Does Your Cane Corso Dog Eat Sticks

If you notice that your Cane Corso is eating sticks excessively or exhibiting signs of dental problems or dietary deficiencies, consult with your vet. Your veterinarian will be able to identify the root cause of your dog’s behavior and provide recommendations or treatment options.


In conclusion, Cane Corsos are natural chewers that enjoy chewing on sticks. While this may seem like harmless behavior, it can lead to serious health risks if not addressed promptly. Understanding why your dog is chewing on sticks and implementing effective strategies to curb this behavior is essential for your Cane Corso’s health and well-being. With consistent training, providing alternatives, and consulting with your vet, you can keep your Cane Corso from eating sticks and protect them from potential health risks.

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