Behavior Training

Why Does Your Cane Corso Dog Chase His Tail

Reasons Behind Cane Corso's Tail Chasing Behavior
Written by rajiv

As a Cane Corso owner, it’s common to be concerned about your dog’s behavior, especially if it involves tail chasing that can sometimes seem excessive. You may be wondering why does my Cane Corso dog chase his tail? Is it a normal behavior or something to worry about? In this post, we’ll explore the reasons behind tail chasing in Cane Corsos so that you can understand your dog’s behavior better.

The Natural Instinct of Hunting

Reasons Behind Cane Corso's Tail Chasing Behavior

Cane Corsos are a breed of dog with strong predatory instincts. They have been bred to hunt and protect, making them excellent guard dogs. Tail chasing is a behavior they may display when their natural hunting instincts are triggered.

When a Cane Corso sees something moving, such as their tail, they may instinctively feel the need to chase it. This behavior is not necessarily a problem, as it is their natural instinct to do so. However, it’s important to note that excessive tail chasing can sometimes indicate other underlying issues.

Boredom and Lack of Exercise

One common reason why a dog may chase their tail is due to boredom and lack of exercise. Dogs, especially Cane Corsos, require a lot of physical and mental stimulation to keep them occupied and healthy. Without ample opportunities to play and exercise, they may become restless, leading to tail chasing.

If you find that your Cane Corso regularly chases their tail, it’s important to assess their lifestyle. Consider increasing their exercise routine and finding ways to keep them mentally stimulated throughout the day. Providing them with appropriate toys and playtime with other dogs can help reduce this behavior.

Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can manifest in various ways in dogs, and tail chasing may be a sign of these underlying issues. Various situations can cause stress in Cane Corsos, including separation anxiety, changes in their environment, and issues with other dogs or people. You must know the various methods to calm your cane corso anxiety.

If you notice that your Cane Corso is excessively tail chasing, take note of their surroundings and the context of the behavior. If they seem anxious or stressed, it’s important to identify the source of their stress and work to reduce it. Providing a calming environment and comforting your dog during stressful situations may help reduce the behavior.

Compulsive Behavior

Reasons Behind Cane Corso's Tail Chasing Behavior

While tail chasing is a relatively common behavior in Cane Corsos, excessive and repetitive tail chasing may be a sign of compulsive behavior. Compulsive behaviors are characterized by repetitive, unwanted responses or actions, and can be triggered by various stimuli.

If you notice that your Cane Corso is obsessively chasing their tail, it’s essential to seek veterinary advice. This behavior can indicate anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, or other underlying issues that require immediate attention. Treatment may involve medication, behavioral therapy, or a combination of both.


Cane Corsos, like many dog breeds, have certain genetic predispositions that can affect their behavior. While tail chasing is not necessarily a breed-specific behavior, some Cane Corsos may be more prone to it due to their genetic makeup.

If you have observed that tail chasing is a common behavior in Cane Corsos within your dog’s bloodline, genetics may play a role in their behavior. However, it’s important to note that genetics are only one factor that contributes to a dog’s behavior. Other factors, such as their environment and socialization, can also influence their actions.

How to Prevent and Treat Tail Chasing in Cane Corsos

Reasons Behind Cane Corso's Tail Chasing Behavior

Preventing and treating tail chasing in Cane Corsos involves a combination of environmental management, behavioral training, and veterinary care.

Environmental Management

Ensure that your Cane Corso has ample opportunities for exercise and playtime to prevent boredom and anxiety. Provide appropriate toys that stimulate their minds and appropriate playtime with other dogs to encourage socialization. We have shared some activities to get your dog excited and in shape, we’ve come up with a list of exercises to try out. Creating a calming environment, such as providing a comfortable bed and safe space, can reduce stress and anxiety.

Behavioral Training

Basic obedience training and positive reinforcement can help reduce stress and anxiety in Cane Corsos. Rewarding good behavior with treats or praise can help prevent compulsive behavior such as tail chasing. Consult with a trainer or behaviorist if you suspect that your Cane Corso is displaying compulsive behaviors.

Veterinary Care

If your Cane Corso’s tail chasing is excessive or repetitive, it’s essential to seek veterinary care. The vet will examine your dog for underlying medical conditions and may recommend treatment, such as medication or behavioral therapy, to address the underlying issues.

Age and Gender

Reasons Behind Cane Corso's Tail Chasing Behavior

Tail chasing can be more common in young Cane Corsos, as they have higher energy levels and may require more physical and mental stimulation. Additionally, male Cane Corsos may be more prone to tail chasing than females, due to their natural tendency to assert dominance.


Socialization is a key factor in preventing and treating tail chasing in Cane Corsos. Proper socialization with other dogs and people can reduce anxiety and stress, allowing your dog to feel more comfortable in their environment. Socialization can also help prevent behavioral issues that may lead to compulsive tail chasing.

Medical Conditions

In some cases, cane corso medical conditions can lead to tail chasing in Cane Corsos. A dog may chase their tail due to skin irritation or inflammation, which can cause discomfort or itchiness. Additionally, certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders, may affect a dog’s behavior and require treatment.

Grooming and Hygiene

Maintaining good grooming and hygiene practices can also prevent tail chasing in Cane Corsos. Regularly cleaning and grooming your cane corso’s coat, especially around the tail and rear end, can help prevent skin irritation and inflammation. Additionally, keeping your dog’s environment clean and free of parasites, like fleas or ticks, can reduce the risk of skin irritation and compulsive behavior. Follow these safe and effective 4 step plan for flea and tick prevention for your Cane Corso

Training and Positive Reinforcement

Training and positive reinforcement are important components of reducing and preventing tail chasing in Cane Corsos. Basic obedience training, such as teaching your dog to sit or stay, can help prevent compulsive behavior by redirecting their attention to a more appropriate task. Positive reinforcement, such as using treats or toys to reward good behavior, can encourage your dog to engage in healthier behaviors and reduce stress and anxiety.

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Tail chasing in Cane Corsos is a behavior that can be caused by a variety of factors, including natural instincts, boredom, stress, genetics, and compulsive behaviors. While it’s not necessarily a harmful behavior, excessive and repetitive tail chasing may indicate underlying issues that require attention. Preventing and treating tail chasing in Cane Corsos involves a combination of environmental management, behavioral training, and veterinary care. Understanding the reasons behind tail chasing can help you better understand your dog’s behavior and ensure that they receive appropriate care and attention.

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