Training Behavior

Ignoring Commands: Why Isn’t My Cane Corso Listening to Me

Reasons Cane Corso's Aggression Towards Other Dogs
Written by rajiv

Cane Corsos are majestic and loyal dogs that have been prized as guardians and protectors for centuries. However, they can be a handful for inexperienced or first-time dog owners because they require consistent training and discipline to ensure that they don’t become dominant or aggressive. One of the most common challenges that Cane Corso owners face is when their dogs ignore commands. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind this behavior and how to address it effectively.

Why do Cane Corsos ignore commands?

Why do Cane Corsos ignore commands

Cane Corsos are an incredibly intelligent breed, and they have a strong sense of independence. These dogs have an innate desire to protect their family, and they are always alert, attentive, and watchful. However, this same instinctive behavior can also cause problems when training them. Here are some reasons why Cane Corsos may ignore commands:

1. Inconsistency

Inconsistent training is a common cause of disobedience in Cane Corsos. If you’re not consistent with commands or rewards, your dog may begin to tune you out or ignore you altogether. A Cane Corso needs a clear understanding of what is expected of them, and this should be reinforced consistently throughout their training.

2. Lack of socialization

Socialization is crucial for Cane Corsos as puppies. Exposing them to different people, animals, and environments at a young age can help them develop confidence and prevent behavior problems down the line. If a Cane Corso has not been socialized properly, they may not respond well to commands from strangers or in new situations.

3. Separation anxiety

Cane Corsos are a breed that thrives on human attention and interaction. If your dog is anxious and stressed when left alone, they may become more disobedient and resistant to commands. Separation anxiety can be addressed through crate training, desensitization exercises, and other behavior modification techniques.

4. Lack of exercise

Cane Corsos are a large, powerful breed that requires daily exercise to keep them healthy and happy. If your dog is not getting enough physical activity, they may become bored, restless, and disobedient. Regular exercise can help channel your dog’s energy in a positive way and make training sessions more productive.

5. Dominant personality

Cane Corsos are confident and assertive dogs that can become dominant if not trained correctly. If your dog perceives themselves as the pack leader, they may ignore your commands and even challenge your authority. Training techniques that emphasize positive reinforcement and reward-based training can help establish you as the alpha and build a stronger bond with your dog.

How can I teach my Cane Corso to listen to me?

Why do Cane Corsos ignore commands

If your Cane Corso is ignoring your commands, there are several steps you can take to address the issue. Here are some tips for training your dog to listen to you:

1. Establish yourself as the pack leader

As mentioned earlier, Cane Corsos need to understand that you are the pack leader. Establishing yourself as the alpha can help them see you as the authority figure and follow your lead. You can do this by using confident body language, consistent training, and positive reinforcement.

2. Use positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is the most effective method of training for Cane Corsos. This technique involves rewarding your dog for good behavior rather than punishing them for bad behavior. Rewards can include treats, praise, and playtime. This approach helps your dog understand that good behavior leads to positive outcomes, making them more likely to repeat that behavior in the future.

3. Train consistently

Consistency is key when it comes to training Cane Corsos. You need to be consistent in the commands you use, how you use them, and how you reward your dog. This will help your dog understand what is expected of them and what actions lead to positive outcomes.

4. Keep training sessions short and frequent

Cane Corsos have a short attention span, so it’s essential to keep training sessions short and frequent. Five to ten minutes of focused training two to three times a day is better than longer sessions that can become boring and unproductive.

5. Use a leash

Using a leash can help control your dog’s movements and prevent them from wandering off or becoming distracted during training sessions. A leash can also help you establish yourself as the pack leader and build trust and respect with your dog.

6. Socialize your dog

Socialization is critical for Cane Corsos, especially as puppies. Exposing your dog to different people, animals, and situations can help them build confidence and prevent behavior problems down the line. Proper socialization can also help your dog learn how to respond to commands from strangers and in new environments.

7. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise is essential for Cane Corsos. These dogs require daily activity to stay healthy and happy, and they may become restless and disobedient if they don’t get enough exercise. Exercise can also help channel your dog’s energy in a positive way and make training sessions more productive.

1 year old cane corso puppy is not listening me

Why do Cane Corsos ignore commands

Having a one-year-old Cane Corso puppy that is not listening to you can be a frustrating and challenging experience. At this age, your Cane Corso may be experiencing a surge of energy and independence, making them more difficult to train. However, with patience and persistence, you can still teach your puppy to listen to you. In this blog post, we will explore some tips and tricks to help you train your one-year-old Cane Corso puppy.

Start with the basics

When training a one-year-old Cane Corso puppy, it’s important to start with the basics. Make sure your puppy has mastered basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “down” before moving on to more advanced training. Use positive reinforcement, such as treats and toys, to reward good behavior and reinforce obedience.

Consistency is key

Consistency is crucial when training a Cane Corso puppy. Make sure everyone in your household is using the same commands and techniques when training your puppy. This will help your puppy understand what is expected of them and make training sessions more effective. Additionally, make sure to train your puppy regularly, at least once a day, for short periods of time.


Cane Corsos are an intelligent and independent breed that requires consistent training and discipline to ensure that they don’t become aggressive or disobedient. If your dog is ignoring your commands, it could be due to inconsistency, lack of socialization, separation anxiety, lack of exercise, or a dominant personality. By using positive reinforcement, establishing yourself as the pack leader, training consistently, keeping training sessions short and frequent, using a leash, socializing your dog, and exercising regularly, you can teach your Cane Corso to listen to and obey your commands. Remember, patience and consistency are key when it comes to training your Cane Corso, but with dedication and time, you can have a happy, obedient, and loyal companion.

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