
Cane Corso Heart Problems

Do Cane Corsos greet their owners when they get home?
Written by rajiv

Heart problems in Cane Corso can be a significant concern for any dog owner. While these dogs are typically hearty and robust, there are instances when they can suffer from heart problems. These health issues can have a significant impact on the dog’s quality of life, so it’s essential for owners to be aware of any potential problems.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some of the heart problems that can occur in cane corso. We’ll also explore some of the causes of these issues, as well as some of the treatment options that are available.


Cane corsos can suffer from various types of heart problems, but the two most common are Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) and Aortic Stenosis (AS).

Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)

DCM is a heart condition that affects the heart’s muscle, causing it to weaken and enlarge. This condition makes it difficult for the heart to pump blood effectively around the dog’s body, leading to a range of symptoms, including:

– Lethargy
– Shortness of breath
– Exercise intolerance
– Fainting or collapsing
– Rapid weight loss
– Swollen abdomen
– Coughing
– Increased respiratory rate

Unfortunately, DCM can also be a silent killer, often showing no outward signs of the condition until it’s too late. Cane Corsos are particularly susceptible to DCM, with research showing that this breed is more likely to develop the condition than many others.

Aortic Stenosis (AS)

AS is a condition where the opening of the aortic valve in the heart is narrowed, making it difficult for blood to flow through this valve. This condition can lead to a range of symptoms, including:

– Lethargy
– Rapid breathing
– Fainting
– Shortness of breath
– Trouble exercising

This condition can be congenital, meaning that it’s present at birth. However, it’s vital to note that some dogs can develop AS later in life.

 Some of the common heart problems that can affect Cane Corsos

The Cane Corso breed is known to be prone to certain cardiac issues. Some of the common heart problems that can affect Cane Corsos include:

  1. Mitral Valve Disease: This condition occurs when the mitral valve, which separates the left atrium and left ventricle of the heart, becomes damaged or fails to close properly. It can lead to backflow of blood and various symptoms.
  2. Subaortic Stenosis: Subaortic stenosis is another congenital heart defect where there is a narrowing of the area just below the aortic valve, leading to decreased blood flow from the heart.
  3. Arrhythmias: Cane Corsos can be prone to certain irregular heart rhythms, which may or may not have an underlying structural heart disease.

It’s essential to note that not all Cane Corsos will develop these conditions, but they are considered at higher risk compared to some other breeds. Regular veterinary check-ups and screening for cardiac issues can help detect any potential problems early on, allowing for better management and treatment if needed. You may also like to read about Cane Corso Breathing Problems



There are several potential causes of heart problems in cane corsos. Some of the most common include:


Genetics is one of the most significant factors in heart problems in dogs, including cane corsos. This breed is genetically predisposed to DCM, which means that some dogs may be more likely to develop the condition, regardless of their lifestyle.


Diet plays a critical role in the development of heart problems in dogs. Feeding your cane corso a diet that’s high in sodium or fats can increase the risk of developing various heart conditions.

Some foods that are typically high in sodium and should be avoided or given in moderation to dogs include:

  1. Processed and salty meats: Deli meats, bacon, sausages, and similar processed meats are often high in sodium.
  2. Canned or packaged dog food: Some commercial dog foods, especially the wet or canned varieties, may contain high levels of sodium as a preservative and flavor enhancer.
  3. Cheese and other dairy products: Cheese, in particular, can be high in sodium, and while it can be an occasional treat, it should not be a significant part of a dog’s diet.
  4. Salty snacks and table scraps: Foods like chips, pretzels, and other salty snacks are not suitable for dogs due to their high sodium content. Similarly, feeding dogs leftover human food from the table can lead to excessive sodium intake.
  5. Broths and bouillon cubes: These products are often very high in sodium and should be used with caution when preparing homemade dog food.
  6. Canned vegetables and soups: Canned vegetables and soups can contain added salt for preservation, which may not be suitable for dogs.

High sodium intake in dogs can lead to dehydration, increased blood pressure, kidney problems, and exacerbate existing heart conditions. It’s essential to provide your cane corso with a balanced and nutritionally appropriate diet that meets their specific needs.


Obesity is a significant health concern in dogs, and it can also increase the risk of developing heart problems. It’s essential to keep your cane corso at a healthy weight to help reduce the risk of heart issues.

Viral Infections

Certain viral infections can also increase the risk of developing heart problems. Parvovirus, for example, is a common virus that can cause heart inflammation in dogs.

While parvovirus primarily targets the gastrointestinal system, leading to symptoms such as severe vomiting, diarrhea (often bloody), lethargy, and dehydration, it can also have secondary effects on other organs, including the heart.

In some cases, parvovirus can cause myocarditis, which is inflammation of the heart muscle. Myocarditis can lead to heart rhythm abnormalities, reduced cardiac function, and other serious complications. Puppies with parvovirus are particularly at risk of developing myocarditis, and it can be a life-threatening condition.

To reduce the risk of parvovirus infection, it’s essential to keep your Cane Corso up-to-date with their vaccinations. Puppies should receive a series of vaccinations, starting at around 6-8 weeks of age and continuing until they are around 16 weeks old. Adult dogs should also receive regular booster shots to maintain immunity.

Read also: Cane Corso Neurological Problems Causes and Treatments


The treatment options for cane corsos with heart problems depend on the severity and type of the condition. Some of the most common treatment options include:


Medications are usually the first line of defense for heart problems in dogs. Medications like ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, and diuretics can help regulate the dog’s heart rate and blood pressure, reducing the stress on their heart.


In some severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to correct the problem. For example, dogs with AS may need to undergo surgery to widen their aortic valve.

Managing The Dog’s Lifestyle

Managing your cane corso’s lifestyle can also play a critical role in managing their heart condition. For example, it’s vital to ensure that your dog has a healthy, balanced diet that’s low in salt and high in essential nutrients. Regular exercise is also essential for helping to keep your dog’s heart healthy and strong.

Regular Vet Checkups

Finally, ensuring that your cane corso has regular vet checkups is key to managing any heart issues. These checkups can help identify any issues early on when they’re more easily treatable. They can also help monitor your dog’s progress and adjust their treatment plan as necessary.


While some factors that contribute to heart problems in cane corsos, such as genetics and age, are outside of an owner’s control, there are still some preventative measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of their pet developing such conditions.


Feeding your cane corso a balanced diet with high-quality ingredients can help support their overall health and reduce their risk of heart-related issues. It’s recommended to feed your dog a diet that’s high in protein, low in sodium, and that contains essential nutrients, such as vitamins C and E, taurine, and omega-3 fatty acids.


Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for all dogs, but it’s especially crucial for cane corsos, who are more susceptible to heart issues. Make sure to monitor your dog’s weight and adjust their diet and exercise routine as necessary to ensure they stay at a healthy weight.


Regular exercise is key to maintaining your dog’s overall health, including their heart health. Make sure to provide your cane corso with plenty of opportunities to exercise every day – both through structured activities such as walks and runs and through playtime at home.


Secondhand smoke can be harmful to dogs and increase the risk of heart problems. Avoid smoking around your cane corso and ensure they are not exposed to cigarette smoke on a regular basis.


Regular vet checkups can help identify potential heart problems early on before they become more severe and harder to treat. It’s essential to schedule annual exams with your veterinarian and to bring your pet in immediately if you notice any worrying symptoms.


While heart problems in cane corsos can be severe and have a significant impact on their quality of life, such problems do not mean that your dog cannot live a long and happy life. With the right treatment plan, dietary modifications, and lifestyle changes, your cane corso can enjoy a full life, while, at the same time, managing their heart condition.

As a responsible dog owner, it’s essential to educate yourself on the potential health concerns that your pet may face as they age. If you suspect that your cane corso may be suffering from any heart-related issues, it’s vital to consult with your veterinarian immediately. Early intervention and identifying problems can often lead to better outcomes and allow the best possible management options to help your cane corso stay healthy and happy.

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