Health Diet

From Puppy To Adult: Understanding Cane Corso Growth And Development

Cane Corso Growth And Weight Chart
Written by rajiv

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on understanding the Cane Corso growth and weight chart. If you’re a proud owner or potential adopter of this majestic breed, you’re likely eager to ensure the healthy development of your Cane Corso. Recognizing the significance of proper growth and weight management, we delve into the key aspects that shape their physical progress. From puppyhood to adulthood, we’ll explore the intricacies of the Cane Corso’s growth patterns, shedding light on the factors that contribute to their size and stature. So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey to discover everything you need to know about Cane Corso growth and weight.

You need to know about the growth and weight charts of Cane Corso, from the average size to factors that can affect their growth.

Average Cane Corso Size

 Cane Corso Growth And Weight Chart As a large dog breed, Cane Corsos typically reach their maximum size around 18-24 months. Male Cane Corsos generally weigh between 99-110 pounds, while females weigh between 88-99 pounds.

While size can vary depending on genetics and environment, Cane Corsos are generally considered a large breed dog. Their larger size also means they have unique dietary and exercise requirements that are important to consider when creating a healthy lifestyle for them.

Cane Corso Growth & Weight Chart

Age is one of the most significant factors in determining the Cane Corso’s weight and growth pattern. Below is a growth chart depicting the average weight and height of Cane Corso at different ages: Read more about How much should a Cane Corso eat per day?

Age (months) Male Weight (lbs) Female Weight (lbs)
3 months 35 30
4 months 48 42
5 months 63 56
6 months 70 65
7 months 78 72
8 months 88 80
9 months 93 87
10 months 99 92
11 months 105 97
12 months 110 99
Adult 99-110 88-99

It is important to remember that these are just average weights based on a healthy, well-nourished Cane Corso. There can be fluctuations in weight caused by environmental factors, genetics, or other health conditions. If you observe any significant fluctuations in your dog’s weight, consult your veterinarian.

Factors That Affect Cane Corso Growth and Weight

The growth and weight of a Cane Corso are not only influenced by their genetics but also by various external and internal factors. Some of the significant factors that can affect the growth and weight of Cane Corso are:

  1. Nutrition – Proper diet and nutrition are vital for the healthy growth and development of Cane Corsos. A high-quality diet that meets their nutritional requirements is essential to provide the necessary building blocks for healthy bones and muscles. Learn more about Cane Corso homemade feeding guide.
  2. Exercise – Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy weight for Cane Corsos. They are an active breed that requires a lot of exercise to maintain their physical and behavioral well-being.
  3. Genetics – Genetics plays a vital role in determining the growth and weight of Cane Corsos. The size of their parents, age, and lineage all contribute to their growth potential.
  4. Health conditions – Various health conditions such as hypothyroidism, hip dysplasia, and auto-immune disorders can affect the growth and weight of Cane Corsos.
  5. Environment – The environment in which a Cane Corso lives also plays a role in their growth and weight. Factors such as climate, living conditions, and access to regular exercise can affect their weight.

Tips for Raising a Healthy Cane Corso

 Cane Corso Growth And Weight Chart

If you want your Cane Corso to thrive, there are a few things you can do to ensure their healthy growth and development. Here are some tips for raising a healthy Cane Corso:

  1. Feed them a balanced diet – Ensure that your Cane Corso is getting a high-quality diet that meets their nutritional requirements.
  2. Exercise regularly – Cane Corsos are an active breed that requires a lot of exercise to stay healthy. Regular walks, playtime, and activities can help them maintain a healthy weight.
  3. Regular health checkups – Regular checkups with your veterinarian can help detect any potential health problems that may affect your Cane Corso’s growth and development.
  4. Provide a suitable living environment – Ensure that your Cane Corso has access to a comfortable living space with adequate space to move around and exercise.
  5. Socialize your dog – Socialization is essential to raise a well-adjusted, mentally healthy Cane Corso. Ensure that they have exposure to people and other animals from a young age.

Important Milestones in Cane Corso Growth & Development

Cane Corsos have specific growth milestones that owners need to keep in mind during their puppy’s development. Here are some of the essential milestones to keep in mind:

  1. Birth – Cane Corsos are a large breed, with puppies typically weighing between 1.5 to 2.5 pounds at birth.
  2. 2-3 Weeks – This is the age when puppies begin to open their eyes and ears. They start to stand up and take their first steps, and a growth spurt typically occurs.
  3. 3-4 Weeks – Puppies will start to explore their surroundings and develop their motor skills. It’s essential to provide a clean and safe environment for them to move around in.
  4. 4-6 Weeks – Cane Corso puppies’ primary teeth will start to emerge, and they will start to socialize with their littermates and humans. They should start eating a soft food diet during this time.
  5. 6-12 Weeks – This period is critical for socialization and training. Cane Corsos need plenty of positive reinforcement and training to learn how to behave appropriately in social situations.
  6. 3-6 Months – This is when the teething process begins, and the puppy’s adult teeth start to replace their baby teeth. It is essential to provide them with chew toys to help alleviate teething discomfort.
  7. 12-18 Months – By this time, Cane Corso puppies have reached their maximum height and are starting to fill out their frame. It’s essential to keep them active and maintain a healthy weight to prevent joint problems and obesity.

Understanding the milestones in Cane Corso growth and development can help owners ensure that their puppies are on track to becoming healthy and happy adults.

Diet and Nutrition

Proper nutrition is essential for keeping Cane Corsos healthy and ensuring their growth and development. As a large breed, they have specific dietary requirements that are different from smaller dogs. Here are some tips for feeding your Cane Corso:

  1. Choose high-quality commercial dog food that meets a Cane Corso’s nutritional requirements.
  2. Avoid table scraps and human food. These can cause digestive problems and may not meet their nutritional needs.
  3. Feed your Cane Corso at regular intervals to prevent overeating and obesity.
  4. Provide fresh water at all times to prevent dehydration.
  5. Consult with your veterinarian about dietary supplements that may help with your Cane Corso’s growth and development.


Cane Corsos are an active breed that requires plenty of exercise to maintain their physical and mental health. Here are some tips for keeping them active:

  1. Take them for regular walks to provide them with physical activity and mental stimulation.
  2. Provide them with plenty of toys to play with to keep them entertained.
  3. Engage them in activities like fetch, tug-of-war or frisbee games.
  4. Avoid strenuous exercise until your Cane Corso is fully grown and their joints have fully developed.
  5. Monitor your Cane Corso’s exercise routine to avoid overexertion, which can lead to injury or joint problems.

Health Issues to Watch Out For

 Cane Corso Growth And Weight Chart

Cane Corsos are generally healthy dogs, but they are susceptible to certain health conditions. Some of the health issues to watch out for include:

  1. Hip dysplasia – A condition where the hip joint does not form correctly, leading to arthritis and lameness.
  2. Gastric torsion – A condition where the stomach twists on its axis, leading to bloating and a buildup of gas that can cause severe complications.
  3. Bone and Joint Problems – Cane Corsos are at risk for bone and joint problems such as arthritis, osteochondritis dissecans, and hypertrophic osteodystrophy.
  4. Heart Disease – Cane Corsos can develop heart disease, including dilated cardiomyopathy.
  5. Allergies – Cane Corsos can develop skin allergies, food allergies, or environmental allergies.

To prevent these health issues from occurring, it is essential to take preventative measures, such as regularly taking your Cane Corso to the veterinarian, providing them with a proper diet and exercise routine, and keeping up with vaccinations and recommended health screenings.


Raising a healthy Cane Corso requires attention to detail and proper care. Understanding their growth and weight charts is crucial in providing them with the right nutrition, exercise, and living environment. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can raise a happy, healthy Cane Corso that will be a loyal companion for years to come.

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