
Cherry Eyes In Cane Corso: What It Is And When to Seek Help for Your Dog

Cane Corso Eye Problems Everything You Need To know
Written by rajiv

Understand the common Cane Corso eye problems that can affect Cane Corsos: Cane Corso dogs are a unique breed with a strong and muscular physique, and typically possess a broad head, powerful jawline, and small almond-shaped eyes. However, some Cane Corso owners may notice that their dogs occasionally develop redness in their eyes, which can be concerning. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of red eyes in Cane Corsos and what you can do to treat and prevent it.

Step 1: Understand The Anatomy of a Cane Corso’s Eyes

The first step towards understanding red eyes in Cane Corsos is to understand their eye structure. Cane Corsos have round-shaped eyes with small corneas and wide pupils. Their eyes contain three layers– the outer layer (cornea), the middle layer (iris), and the inner layer (retina).

Their eyes are anchored in the eye socket by muscles that control eye movements, such as rotation, up, down, and sideways. Additionally, their eyes can dilate and constrict based on the amount of available light.

Step 2: Exploring The Causes of Red Eyes in Cane Corsos

Red eyes in Cane Corsos can be an indication of various underlying health issues. Some of the possible causes of red eyes in Cane Corsos are:

  1. Allergies – Cane Corsos can develop allergies, which can cause redness, swelling, and itching in their eyes. This is more common during spring and fall when there is an increase in pollen and dust in the air.
  2. Corneal Ulceration – If the cornea presents any wound that cannot heal on its own, the Cane Corso can develop a corneal ulceration. The bacteria or any other foreign material can easily penetrate the wound, leading to an infection that causes inflammation, redness, pain, and discharge.
  3. Conjunctivitis – Conjunctivitis, commonly known as “pink eye,” is a common inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the mucous membrane that covers the white part of the eye. It can develop due to bacterial, viral, or fungal infections.
  4. Dry Eye Syndrome – Dry eye syndrome is a medical condition that occurs when a dog’s eyes cannot produce enough tears to keep the eyes moist. This condition can cause redness, discharge, and irritation.
  5. Glaucoma – Glaucoma is a condition that occurs when there is an increase in the fluid pressure within the eye. This can cause a range of symptoms, including pain, redness, headache, and vision loss.
  6. Trauma – Cane Corsos can get physical injury, and when it occurs around the eye area, it can lead to redness, swelling, and pain.

Step 3: Identifying Symptoms of cherry eye in cane corso

It’s vital to recognize symptoms of red eyes in your Cane Corso. Common symptoms include:

  1. Bloodshot or redness in the eyes.
  2. Watery or teary discharge.
  3. Swelling or puffiness around the eyes.
  4. Squinting or blinking too frequently.
  5. Sensitivity to light.
  6. Discoloration around the eyes.
  7. Cloudiness or blurred vision.

Moreover, if you notice any of these symptoms, contact your vet, who will help diagnose the underlying condition.

Step 4: Treatment of Red Eyes in Cane Corsos

When a Cane Corso has red eyes, the treatment will depend on the underlying cause. For example, if the cause is due to allergies, the vet may recommend antihistamines or advise you to remove allergens from the dog’s environment.

If the red eyes are caused by corneal ulcers or other infections, antibiotic, antiviral, or anti-fungal medications may be prescribed. In some cases, your vet may recommend using eye drops or ointments to help alleviate symptoms, lubricate the eyes or reduce inflammation.

Moreover, some of the natural remedies that can be beneficial in treating red eyes are using chamomile tea bags, diluted castor oil, or a mixture of saline solution and aloe vera.

Step 5: Preventing cherry eye in cane corso

The best way to prevent red eyes in Cane Corsos is to maintain an excellent preventive health care routine. Below are some preventive measures that can be taken:

  1. Regular Vet Checkups – Regular check-ups every six months with a vet can help in identifying any infection or allergies that might lead to red eyes.
  2. Keep the Eyes Clean – It’s important to keep your Cane Corso’s eyes clean by wiping them down daily with a warm damp cloth.
  3. Maintain a Nutritious Diet – A balanced diet, with the right amount of vitamins and minerals, can help prevent several eye illnesses in Cane Corsos.
  4. Avoid Harmful Allergens – Avoid allergens that can cause an allergic reaction, such as pollen and dust. Also, try to keep your Cane Corso indoors when the pollen count is high.
  5. Keep the eyes moisturized – Regularly use ophthalmic lubricating gels or eye drops can help maintain moisture in the eyes.


Red eyes in Cane Corsos can be a common condition and occur mainly due to eye-related infections, allergies, and other health problems. Being aware of the causes and symptoms can help in identifying the right treatment to maintain eye health. It’s essential to ensure preventive measures to keep your dog’s eyes healthy and always keep a regular check on it to prevent and manage any eye conditions.

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