Behavior Training

Why is My Cane Corso Dog Scared of Being Picked Up

Why is My Cane Corso Dog Scared of Being Picked Up
Written by rajiv

Why is My Cane Corso Dog Scared of Being Picked Up: Dogs are known to be loyal and protective animals, and the Cane Corso is no exception. Known for their muscular build and imposing appearance, these dogs are often trained as guard dogs and are fiercely protective of their family. While the Cane Corso may seem like a confident and courageous animal, they can still experience fear and anxiety in certain situations.

One of these scenarios is being picked up. If you have noticed that your Cane Corso seems scared or averse to being picked up, you may be wondering why. In this blog post, we will explore some of the reasons why your Cane Corso may be scared of being picked up, and what you can do to help them overcome this fear.

The Fear of Heights

Why is My Cane Corso Dog Scared of Being Picked Up

One of the most common reasons that dogs may be scared of being picked up is a fear of heights. While we may consider our arms and hands to be a comfortable and secure spot for our dogs, some dogs can experience anxiety when they are lifted off the ground. This may be due to a lack of control or stability, as the dog is no longer in direct contact with the ground.

Cane Corsos are known for their powerful build and strong, sturdy legs. They are also known to be highly intelligent animals that are quick to identify potential hazards in their surroundings. When a Cane Corso is lifted off of the ground, they may feel that they are in a vulnerable position, and may become scared or anxious as a result.

This fear of heights can be exacerbated if the dog has had a negative experience in the past. Perhaps they were dropped as a puppy, or have fallen off of a high surface before. These experiences can leave a lasting impression on the dog, and may manifest as a fear of being picked up in the future.

Pain or Discomfort

Another reason that your Cane Corso may be scared of being picked up is if they are experiencing pain or discomfort in their body. Dogs are highly adaptive creatures, and will often try to hide their discomfort from their owners. However, if you try to pick up a dog that is in pain, they may become defensive or scared.

Some common sources of pain or discomfort for dogs include arthritis, hip dysplasia, or spinal injuries. These conditions can all make it difficult or uncomfortable for your Cane Corso to move or be lifted. If your dog is avoiding being picked up or seems to be in pain when being lifted, it is important to take them to the vet for a checkup.

Lack of Socialization

Dogs are highly social animals, and rely on socialization to develop their understanding of the world around them. If a dog is not exposed to a wide variety of people, animals, and situations during their first few months of life, they may develop fears and anxieties that can be difficult to overcome.

If your Cane Corso was not socialized properly as a puppy, they may be scared of new or unfamiliar situations, including being picked up. This fear may be a manifestation of their general anxiety or discomfort in new situations, as they may not have learned how to trust and relax around humans.

Traumatic Experiences

Lastly, traumatic experiences, such as experiencing abuse or being involved in an accident, can leave a lasting impression on dogs. If a Cane Corso has experienced trauma in the past, they may be scared of being picked up because it reminds them of the traumatic event.

If you suspect that your Cane Corso may have experienced trauma in the past, it is important to work with a qualified professional, such as a veterinary behaviorist or a certified dog trainer, to help them overcome their fear.

How to Help Your Cane Corso Overcome Their Fear

Why is My Cane Corso Dog Scared of Being Picked Up

If you are wondering how to help your Cane Corso overcome their fear of being picked up, there are several steps that you can take.

Firstly, it is important to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be causing your dog pain or discomfort. If your Cane Corso is experiencing pain, they may be avoiding being picked up as a way to protect themselves.

Once you have ruled out any medical issues, you can work with your dog to help them overcome their fear of being picked up. This may include desensitization training, which involves gradually introducing your Cane Corso to being lifted off of the ground in a safe and controlled environment.

You may also want to work with a certified dog trainer, who can provide you with tips and techniques to help your Cane Corso overcome their fear. This may include positive reinforcement training, where you reward your dog for displaying calm and relaxed behavior around being picked up.

It is important to note that punishment or forceful training techniques should never be used to try to overcome your dog’s fear. These methods can actually make the fear worse, and can damage the trust between you and your dog.

It is also important to remember that every dog is an individual, with their own unique personality and experiences that have shaped them. If your Cane Corso is scared of being picked up, it is important to approach the situation with empathy and understanding.

Try to put yourself in your dog’s shoes, and consider how they may be feeling in that moment. This can help you to approach the situation with patience, and avoid getting frustrated or upset if your dog does not immediately respond to your training efforts.

Another important factor to consider is your own behavior when it comes to handling your dog. If you approach your Cane Corso in a rushed or anxious manner, they may pick up on your energy and become more scared or anxious themselves.

Instead, try to approach your dog calmly and quietly, and avoid making sudden movements or loud noises that could startle them. You may also want to avoid looming over your dog, and instead get down to their level to interact with them.


In conclusion, there are several reasons why your Cane Corso may be scared of being picked up. Whether it is due to a fear of heights, pain or discomfort, lack of socialization, or traumatic experiences, it is important to work with your dog to help them overcome their fear.

By ruling out any underlying medical conditions and working with a certified dog trainer, you can help your Cane Corso feel more comfortable and confident around being picked up. With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, you can help your Cane Corso build trust and overcome their fear, allowing them to enjoy a happy and healthy life by your side.

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