
Why Is My Cane Corso Dog Itching So Much

Why Is Your Cane Corso Constantly Itching And Scratching
Written by rajiv

Cane Corsos are majestic and powerful dogs that are beloved for their loyalty and affection towards their owners. However, like any other dog breed, they can experience a variety of health issues, one of which is excessive itching. If you have a Cane Corso that is constantly scratching, biting, or licking themselves, there could be several underlying causes. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most common reasons why your Cano Corso is itching so much, and what you can do to help alleviate their discomfort.

Allergic Reactions

Allergies are one of the most common culprits behind excessive itching in dogs. Cane Corsos can be allergic to a range of things, including food, insects, pollen, dust, and mold. Identifying the allergen that’s causing your dog to itch can be challenging, as there are many potential triggers. However, if you notice that your Cane Corso’s itching is accompanied by other symptoms, such as sneezing, coughing, or diarrhea, it’s likely that they’re suffering from an allergic reaction.

To help identify potential allergens, it’s important to keep a diary of your dog’s symptoms and when they occur. You can also try eliminating potential triggers from your dog’s environment, such as switching to a hypoallergenic dog food, using natural cleaning products, and avoiding using pesticides or insecticides in your home or yard. If you suspect that your Cane Corso has an allergy, it’s essential to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. They can help determine the cause of your dog’s symptoms and recommend treatment options.

Flea Infestations

Flea infestations can also cause excessive itching in Cane Corsos. These pesky parasites feed on your dog’s blood and can cause allergic reactions that lead to intense itching. Additionally, fleas can lay eggs in your dog’s fur, leading to a cycle of infestation that can be challenging to break.

If you suspect that your Cane Corso has fleas, it’s important to act quickly. There are several over-the-counter flea treatments available, including topical solutions, shampoos, and collars. However, it’s important to follow the instructions carefully and consult with your vet before administering any medication. Flea infestations can lead to secondary infections or complications if left untreated, so it’s crucial to take action at the first sign of an issue.

Skin Infections

Another potential cause of excessive itching in Cane Corsos is skin infections. These can be caused by a variety of factors, including bacteria, fungus, or parasites. Symptoms of a skin infection can include redness, inflammation, and a foul odor. Your Cane Corso may also have scaly or flaky skin, and fur loss may occur as well.

If you suspect that your dog has a skin infection, it’s important to schedule a visit with your veterinarian. They can perform a skin scrape or culture to determine the cause of the infection and recommend an appropriate treatment plan. In some cases, antibiotics or antifungal medication may be necessary to help clear up the infection.

Food Allergies

Why Is Your Cane Corso Constantly Itching And Scratching

Food allergies are also a common cause of excessive itching in Cane Corsos. These types of allergies can be challenging to diagnose, as symptoms may not appear immediately after your dog eats. Additionally, Cane Corsos can develop allergies to any food ingredient, including chicken, beef, wheat, or corn.

If you suspect that your Cane Corso has a food allergy, it’s essential to schedule an appointment with your vet. They can recommend a specialized diet that eliminates potential allergens and helps identify the source of the allergy. In some cases, a hydrolyzed protein diet may be recommended to help prevent allergic reactions.

Environmental Allergies

Environmental allergies, such as pollen, dust, and mold, can also cause excessive itching in Cane Corsos. These types of allergies can be challenging to identify, as symptoms may occur throughout the year and may worsen during certain seasons.

If you suspect that your Cane Corso has an environmental allergy, it’s crucial to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. They can perform allergy testing to determine the specific allergen causing your dog’s symptoms, and recommend an appropriate treatment plan. This may include medications such as antihistamines or corticosteroids, or environmental modifications to help reduce your dog’s exposure to potential allergens.


Why Is Your Cane Corso Constantly Itching And Scratching

In addition to fleas, other parasites such as mites, ticks, and lice can cause excessive itching in Cane Corsos. These parasites can burrow into your dog’s skin, causing intense irritation and discomfort. In addition to itching, your Cane Corso may also exhibit scabs, hair loss, and redness in the affected areas.

If you suspect that your dog has a parasite infestation, it’s essential to consult with your veterinarian. They can recommend an appropriate treatment plan to help eliminate the infestation and relieve your dog’s symptoms. In some cases, preventative measures such as flea collars or topical solutions may be recommended to help prevent future infestations.

In addition to the aforementioned causes of excessive itching in Cane Corsos, there are a few other factors to consider. Firstly, stress and anxiety can contribute to itching in dogs, as stressed dogs are more likely to over-groom themselves, leading to skin irritation and discomfort. If you suspect that stress is a factor in your Cane Corso’s itching, try to identify potential stressors in their environment, such as changes in routine, loud noises, or separation anxiety. Providing a calm and stable environment, as well as plenty of exercise and socialization, can help reduce your dog’s stress levels and alleviate their itching.

Secondly, dry skin can also contribute to excessive itching in Cane Corsos. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including a lack of humidity in the air, nutritional deficiencies, or frequent bathing. To help combat dry skin, use a high-quality moisturizing shampoo, and consider adding healthy fats and oils to your dog’s diet, such as fish oil, coconut oil, or olive oil. Additionally, keeping a humidifier in your home can help maintain the ideal humidity levels for your dog’s skin.

Lastly, hormonal imbalances can also cause excessive itching in Cane Corsos. This can be a result of conditions such as hypothyroidism or Cushing’s disease, which can affect your dog’s hormone levels and lead to skin irritation and discomfort. If you suspect that your dog has a hormonal imbalance, it’s crucial to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. They can perform the necessary tests to confirm the diagnosis and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.

In addition to identifying the potential causes of your Cane Corso’s itching, there are several steps you can take to help alleviate their discomfort. Firstly, make sure to provide your dog with a healthy and well-balanced diet that contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. This can help support their immune system and skin health, reducing the likelihood of allergies or infections.

Additionally, regular grooming can help keep your Cane Corso’s skin and coat healthy and free from irritants. This includes brushing and bathing them regularly, as well as checking for signs of flea or tick infestations. Be sure to use gentle and natural grooming products, and avoid using any harsh chemicals that could further irritate your dog’s skin.

If your Cane Corso does have an allergy, flea infestation, or other underlying health issue, it’s essential to follow your veterinarian’s recommendations for treatment. This may include medications, supplements, or environmental modifications, such as regular pest control treatments. It’s important to continue monitoring your Cane Corso’s symptoms and alert your veterinarian if you notice any changes or worsening of symptoms.


If your Cane Corso constantly itching and scratching, biting, or licking themselves, there could be several underlying causes. Allergies, fleas, skin infections, food allergies, environmental allergies, and parasites are all potential culprits behind excessive itching in dogs. If you suspect that your Cane Corso has an issue, it’s important to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible. They can help determine the cause of your dog’s symptoms and recommend an appropriate treatment plan to help alleviate their discomfort. With proper care and attention, you can help keep your Cane Corso healthy, happy, and free from excessive itching.

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