Behavior Breed

Cane Corso And Rottweiler: Can They Get Along

Cane Corso And Rottweiler: Can They Get Along
Written by rajiv

Cane Corso and Rottweilers are two very different dog breeds with unique personalities, characteristics, and temperament. While they may be labeled as aggressive breeds, they can actually be great pets if they are trained and socialized correctly. However, the question remains, do Cane Corso dogs and Rottweilers get along? In this blog post, we will explore this topic in detail.

Cane Corso Dog Breed

Cane Corso And Rottweiler: Can They Get Along

The Cane Corso is an Italian Mastiff that is known for its strength, agility, and bravery. They were originally bred to be guard dogs and were used in battlefields during wars. Cane corsos have a short and glossy coat, and they come in various colors, including black, fawn, gray or red.

Cane Corsos make great family pets because they are loyal and affectionate. However, they are also headstrong, which means that they can be difficult to train. Owners must be patient and consistent in their training to get the best results.

Rottweiler Dog Breed

Cane Corso And Rottweiler: Can They Get Along

Rottweilers are one of the most popular breeds in the world. They are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and courage. They have a thick and glossy coat, which can be black or brown, and they are often used as police and military dogs.

Rottweilers are also great family pets because they are loyal and affectionate. However, they are also independent, which means they can be challenging to train. Like with Cane Corsos, owners must be patient and consistent in their training to get the best results.

Do Cane Corso Dogs and Rottweilers Get Along?

Cane corsos and Rottweilers can get along very well, especially if they are introduced to each other at a young age. These breeds have similar personalities, which means that they can bond easily.

However, there are some things that owners must consider before introducing their Cane Corso to a Rottweiler. Firstly, both breeds need to be well-trained and socialized. They both have a high prey drive, which means they may not get along with smaller pets such as cats or rabbits.

It is also important to consider the gender of each breed. Male dogs are often more territorial and dominant, which means that they may not get along with other males. Therefore, owners may want to consider getting a female Cane Corso or Rottweiler as a companion. Read more here Cane Corso vs Rottweiler.

Another factor that owners must consider is the age and temperament of each dog. Older dogs may not get along well with younger ones, especially if they are used to being the dominant dog in the household. It is important to supervise the dogs and watch their behavior closely to ensure that they do not get into fights.

How to Introduce Cane Corsos and Rottweilers

The key to introducing Cane Corsos and Rottweilers is to do it slowly and carefully. Owners should never force the dogs to interact with each other, as this can cause aggression and fights.

The best way to introduce the dogs is to start with short supervised interactions. Owners can begin by putting each dog in a separate room and letting them sniff each other’s scent. After a few days, owners can let the dogs interact with each other through a fence or a gate. If they show good behavior, owners can gradually increase their interactions.

During the introductions, owners must ensure that both dogs are calm and relaxed. They should never let the dogs play too rough, as this can escalate into aggression. Owners should always supervise the dogs during their interactions and separate them if they see any signs of aggression. Read here more about Cane Corso Rottweiler Mix.

Tips for Owning Cane Corsos and Rottweilers

Owning Cane Corsos and Rottweilers can be a rewarding experience if done correctly. Here are some tips for owning these breeds:

1. Train and socialize your dog from a young age – Both Cane Corsos and Rottweilers are strong-willed breeds that require consistent training and socialization from a young age.

2. Provide enough exercise and stimulation – Both breeds are active and require plenty of physical exercise and mental stimulation. Owners should provide daily walks and playtime to keep them happy and healthy.

3. Be a strong pack leader – Both breeds require a strong pack leader who can provide clear rules and boundaries. Owners must establish themselves as the alpha dog to ensure that their dog follows their commands.

4. Supervise your dog around children or other pets – Both breeds have a high prey drive, which means that they may not get along with smaller pets or children. It is important to supervise them around these types of situations.

Here are some additional things that owners should keep in mind when considering owning a Cane Corso or Rottweiler, including their potential health issues and overall temperament:

Health Issues

Like any purebred dog, both Cane Corsos and Rottweilers can be prone to certain health issues. These issues can range from joint problems and hip dysplasia to heart issues, so it’s important to know what to look out for.

Cane Corsos can be prone to developing certain joint issues, such as hip and elbow dysplasia. They can also be at risk for certain eye problems like entropion and ectropion, which can cause irritation or even damage to the eyes.

Rottweilers can also be prone to joint issues, as well as heart problems and aortic stenosis. They may also be at risk for certain eye issues like cataracts.

Owners should take their dog to a veterinarian regularly for check-ups, and should also be vigilant of any health issues that may arise. Additionally, responsible breeders should be knowledgeable about the potential health issues their breed is prone to and take steps to reduce the likelihood of these issues in their breeding programs.


Cane Corsos and Rottweilers are both commonly listed as “aggressive breeds”, which can make potential owners hesitant. However, it’s important to understand that this label doesn’t necessarily mean that these breeds are inherently aggressive or dangerous. Like all dogs, their behavior is a product of their environment and upbringing.

Cane Corsos are known for their loyalty and affection, but can also be stubborn and reserved with strangers. They may be more reactive to unfamiliar situations and stimuli, which makes early socialization especially important.

Similarly, Rottweilers are known for their loyalty and intelligence, but can be wary of strangers and protective of their family. They may also have a strong prey drive or a tendency to play rough due to their history as working and herding dogs.

Owners should be aware of their breed’s natural temperament, which can help them better understand their dog’s behavior and respond appropriately. It’s also important to note that proper training and socialization can help mitigate any negative behaviors or tendencies.


In conclusion, Cane Corso dogs and Rottweilers can get along well, but it requires proper training, socialization, and supervision. Owners must be patient and consistent in their training to ensure that their dogs are well-behaved and obedient. The key is to introduce the dogs slowly and carefully and watch their behavior closely. If done correctly, owning a Cane Corso or Rottweiler can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

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