Behavior Breed

How Long Can You Leave a Cane Corso Home Alone?

Can You Leave A Cane Corso Alone At Home?
Written by rajiv

How long you can leave a Cane Corso alone? If you are considering getting a Cane Corso, one of the questions you may have is how long can you leave them alone. As a responsible owner, it is essential to understand the needs of your dog and ensure that they are happy and healthy. In this article, we will discuss how long a Cane Corso can be left alone and what you can do to keep them stimulated and safe.

Cane Corsos are an intelligent and affectionate breed that loves the company of their owners. They are loyal and protective, which makes them an excellent choice for families. However, they also have a strong prey drive and require regular exercise and mental stimulation.

Before we discuss how long you can leave a Cane Corso alone, it is essential to understand that every dog is unique, and their needs may vary. Factors such as age, personality, and health can all play a role in determining how long a dog can be left alone. However, there are some general guidelines that you can follow.

As a rule of thumb, adult Cane Corsos can be left alone for up to eight hours per day, provided that they have access to food, water, and a safe space to rest. Puppies, on the other hand, should not be left alone for more than two to four hours per day, as they require more frequent potty breaks and socialization.

If you work long hours or have a busy schedule, it is essential to plan ahead and ensure that your Cane Corso is not left alone for extended periods. Here are some tips to help you keep your dog happy and healthy while you are away.

1. Hire a dog-walker or pet-sitter

Can You Leave A Cane Corso Alone At Home?

If you are unable to be home during the day, consider hiring a dog-walker or pet-sitter to visit your Cane Corso. A dog-walker can take your dog for a walk and provide them with much-needed exercise and mental stimulation. A pet-sitter, on the other hand, can provide your dog with companionship and ensure that they are fed and watered.

2. Invest in toys and puzzles

Cane Corsos are a smart breed that thrives on mental stimulation. Invest in some toys and puzzles, such as Kongs or puzzle feeders, to keep your dog occupied while you are away. These toys can provide hours of entertainment and help prevent boredom and destructive behaviors.

3. Ensure that your dog has access to water and food

Can You Leave A Cane Corso Alone At Home?


It is essential to ensure that your Cane Corso has access to fresh water and food while you are away. Consider investing in an automatic feeder or leaving out multiple bowls of water to ensure that your dog does not go thirsty or hungry.

4. Provide a safe, comfortable space for your dog

Your Cane Corso should have a safe and comfortable space to rest while you are away. Make sure that their bed is clean and cozy and that they have access to a quiet, undisturbed area.

5. Consider crate training

Crate training can be an effective way to keep your Cane Corso safe and secure while you are away. A crate can provide your dog with a cozy space to rest, as well as help prevent destructive behaviors. However, it is essential to ensure that your dog is properly trained to accept the crate and that they do not spend too much time inside.

Do Cane Corsos have separation anxiety?

Can You Leave A Cane Corso Alone At Home?

Separation anxiety is a condition that affects many dogs, and Cane Corsos are no exception. Separation anxiety is a behavioral disorder that occurs when dogs become anxious and distressed when left alone. It is essential for dog owners to know if Cane Corsos are prone to separation anxiety, so they can take appropriate measures to prevent this condition.

Cane Corsos are a highly intelligent and loyal breed that highly values their owner’s companionship. They can become very attached to their owners and have a strong desire to be close to them at all times. As a result, Cane Corsos can be prone to separation anxiety, especially if they do not receive the necessary training and socialization.

Some of the common signs of separation anxiety in Cane Corsos include:

  1. Excessive barking or howling
  2. Destructive behavior
  3. Pacing or restlessness
  4. Abnormal drooling or panting
  5. Digging or scratching at doors or windows
  6. Inappropriate urination or defecation
  7. Refusal to eat or drink
  8. Attempting to escape or find their owner

If left untreated, separation anxiety in Cane Corsos can result in destructive and dangerous behavior. They may cause damage to your property or even harm themselves while trying to escape. Therefore, it is crucial to take appropriate measures to prevent separation anxiety.

Here are some tips to help prevent separation anxiety in your Cane Corso:

  1. Proper socialization: It is important to socialize your Cane Corso from a young age, and train them to become accustomed to being away from their owners. This can be done by gradually increasing the time they spend alone and providing positive reinforcement for good behavior.
  2. Leaving a familiar scent: Leaving an item with a familiar scent, such as a piece of clothing, can help comfort your Cane Corso while they are alone.
  3. Increased exercise and mental stimulation: Cane Corsos require regular exercise and mental stimulation to keep them stimulated and healthy. Provide them with adequate exercise and challenging puzzle toys to keep their minds occupied.
  4. Desensitization training: Gradually exposing your Cane Corso to separation can help them acclimate to being alone. Begin by leaving them alone for a few minutes and gradually increasing the time they spend alone until they are comfortable.
  5. Consultation with a professional: If your Cane Corso continues to exhibit signs of separation anxiety, consider seeking the help of a professional dog trainer or veterinarian. They can recommend appropriate treatment options, such as medication or behavior modification techniques, that can help alleviate their distress.


Cane Corsos are a loyal and intelligent breed that loves the company of their owners. While they can be left alone for up to eight hours per day, it is essential to ensure that they are safe, healthy, and stimulated. Consider hiring a dog-walker or pet-sitter, investing in toys and puzzles, providing food and water, creating a comfortable space, and crate training your dog to keep them happy and healthy while you are away. With proper planning and care, you can ensure that your Cane Corso is a happy and well-adjusted member of your family.

Cane Corsos can be prone to separation anxiety, but with proper training and socialization, this condition can be prevented. It is essential to provide your Cane Corso with adequate exercise, mental stimulation, and training to help them feel comfortable when left alone. Knowing the signs of separation anxiety and taking the appropriate measures to prevent this condition can help ensure your Cane Corso is a happy, healthy member of your family.


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